GAG 研究:TOWNSEND LETTER 美國醫學期刊 (2) 摘要

接下來以整頁中英翻譯的方式,我們就來看看 TOWNSEND LETTER 美國醫學期刊這一篇「青邊貽貝如何對抗關節炎的最新研究與臨床實驗!」

New Research and a Clinical Report on the Use of Perna Canaliculus in the Management of Arthritis 
by Roger V.Kendall, PhD, Vice President of Research and Development, FoodScience Corporation, John W. Lawson, PhD, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Medicine, Clemson University & Lloyd A. Hurley, MD, Corrales, New Mexico.



Perna Canaliculus (Perna) is a species of green-lipped mussel found off the waters of New Zealand.For centuries this edible shellfish has been a major part of the diet of the local populations . In 1974 it was found to be a potential natural remedy arthritis.
Numerous animal and human studies, published between 1975 and 1993, have indicated that this product from the sea might offer safe and effective relief from the pain, inflammation, and other debilitating symptoms associated with both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.
Earlier animal studies focused primarily on the anti-inflammatory properties of Perna mussel and its ability to prevent the onset of induced arthritis. Several human studies gave positive results as to the mussel's ability to relieve multiple symptoms of arthritis when compared to conventional anti-inflammatory drugs. The beneficial properties of Perna have been linked to the presence of complex polysaccharides known as glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), but studies have also shown that other components in Perna mussel may also contribute to its therapeutic effects.Recent findings at Clemson University confirmed the earlier anti-inflammatory properties of Perna in both rat and mouse arthritic models.Perna mussel also exerts a strong immune modulating effect which may explain its mechanism of action. A recently completed clinical evaluation on over 100 patients suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee demonstrates Perna's potential in providing effective management of arthritis. Perna canaliculus has been shown to relieve arthritic symptoms and may halt the progression of the condition as well as provide nutritional support for the actual regeneration of connective tissue in the affected joints.


青邊貽貝在紐西蘭沿海純淨海域中生長,是一種具備特殊活性的純淨、營養的食品(後續更有外用擦的保健品問世),這種可食用的青邊貽貝含有與人體相似的天然礦物質,幾個世紀以來一直是紐西蘭毛利人寶貴食物來源。青邊貽貝在生長曲線的高峰期(大約18個月)收成,以急速冷凍乾燥的方式加工成細粉,這種方式不會破壞營養與活性,因此完整保存蛋白質、複合碳水化合物、脂質、天然礦物質、氨基酸和粘多醣(醣胺聚醣),為身體尤其是關節提供營養。青邊貽貝的蛋白質效率比(PER)為 3.6,表明它是一種高品質的蛋白質產品。

Perna canaliculus, also referred to as the. green-lipped mussel, has been commercially available as a food supplement in the United States since 1975. Perna is a natural product from the sea that has an exceptional ability to aid the body in halting the progression of joint and connective tissue disease as well as promote the regeneration and healing of arthritic and injured joints. The product contains natural anti -inflammatory agents, immune modulators and many essential building blocks needed to rebuild collagen, proteoglycans and synovial fluid found in the joints,
ligaments and tendons. Perna can significantly reduce the pain ,swelling and inflammation associated with connective tissue and musculoskeletal problems and improve joint mobility and exercise tolerance. Perna is a pure, nutritional, whole- food product that possesses an exceptional degree of biological activity. As a product of marine aquaculture Perna canaliculus is growa commercially in the pure, pristine waters off the coast of New Zealand. It has been a valuable food source for the native people of New Zealand for centuries. This edible green-lipped shellfish contains the ocean's natural mineral balance which is similar to that found in the human body. Perna mussel is harvested at the peak of its growth curve. The soft tissue is
separated from the shell, flash frozen, lyophilized (freeze-dried to remove the water) and processed into a fine powder. The manner in which Perna is concentrated does not destroy or inactivate the biologically active constituents. Perna contains proteins, complex carbohydrates, lipids, naturally chelated minerals, nucleic acids and mucopoly- saccharides (glycosaminoglycans) that provide nutritional support to the body and especially to the joints. The protein efficiency ratio (PER) for Perna is 3.6, showing that it is a high quality protein product.

  • 蛋白質(氨基酸) 60-62%
  • 碳水化合物 12-14%
  • GAG 醣胺聚醣(硫酸軟骨素) 11-12%
  • 脂質 4-5%
  • 礦物質 4-6%
  • 水 3-4%


多年來有關醫生和患者使用青邊貽貝的狀況已有相關報導。新墨西哥州科拉萊斯​​的醫學博士Lloyd Hurley報導了他的幾個用青邊貽貝提取物治療患者骨關節炎的計畫,讓患者避免膝蓋手術。在這計劃使用產品經過9~12個月後,放射學證據(X光)證實軟骨已經開始在他的幾個病人的患病關節中再生,結果顯示青邊貽貝是對類風濕和骨關節炎的重要且有益的解決方案。另外許多執業獸醫的臨床報告也證實了治療狗和馬的退行性關節病是極佳的方式。

Composition of Perna canaliculus 

Percentage Range
Protein ( amino acids )
60-62 %
12-14 %
(chondroitin sulfates)    
11-12 %
4-5 %
4-6 %
3-4 %

During the 1960s researchers working in Britain and the United States began a comprehensive search of marine organisms in an attempt to isolate possible natural drugs for the treatment of cancer. A large number of shellfish products were investigated, including the green-lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus). Perna canaliculus was tested in a group of human cancer patients without' discernable results. What was interesting about this study was that patients who were coincidently suffering from arthritis reported less pain and joint stiffness along with improved mobility. These results prompted further research into its possible value against degenerative joint and connective tissue disorders. A number of reports with human arthritic patients in the 1970s and 1980s gave mixed results as to its value. However, later studies found that Perna mussel does contain a number of biologically active constituents, which could both prevent and reverse inflammatory joint disorders. Two human clinical studies Perna mussel showed positive results against osteo and rheumatoid arthritis. Perna mussel has been used successfully to treat degenerative joint disorders and arthritis in both human and veterinary health fields. Perna has been found beneficial in reducing pain, stiffness and inflammation in the afflicted areas as well as increasing joint mobility. Positive reports on the use of Perna from doctors and patients have been reported for over two decades. Lloyd Hurley, MD, of Corrales, New Mexico has reported that several of his
patients avoided knee surgery since Perna was added to their therapeutic program to treat their osteoarthritis. After nine to twelve months on the product, radiographic evidence has confirmed that cartilage had begun to regenerate in the afflicted joints of several of his patients. Results show that Perna represents a significant and beneficial treatment program for both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. Anecdotal reports from many practicing veterinarians have confirmed clinical efficacy in treating degenerative joint disease in both dogs and horses.


紐西蘭特有種青邊貽貝,提取出的成分中以 GAG 醣胺聚醣最為矚目,因為一般的葡萄糖胺(Glucosamine)經過食用後大約6~8週才能轉換成 GAG,成為關節可用的營養,但是青邊貽貝提取物穩定存在豐富的 GAG可直接被關節使用,當然青邊貽貝提取物中含有與人體相似的天然礦物質與其他成分也有助於關節炎的整體改善。

圖片來源 My Swiss Life

青邊貽貝在生長曲線的高峰期(大約18個月)收成,以急速冷凍乾燥的方式加工成細粉,這種方式不會破壞營養與活性,因此完整保存蛋白質、複合碳水化合物、脂質、天然礦物質、氨基酸和粘多醣(GAG 醣胺聚醣),為身體尤其是關節提供營養。符合潔淨海域、保存完整營養的青邊貽貝提取物,就會有「ORIGINAL PERNA EXTRAKT」的驗證標章。
圖片來源 My Swiss Life
