GAG 研究:TOWNSEND LETTER 美國醫學期刊 (8) 外科醫生的臨床經驗談


作者:Lloyd A. Hurley,醫學博士



約翰克羅夫特的書中表示,人類痛苦的拯救方案將在海洋中找到。這種說法特別有趣和令人鼓舞。青邊貽貝的顯著抗發炎特性首先由 Cullen、Flint 和 Leider 發表第一個青邊貽貝報告。青邊貽貝產品於1974年已經在紐西蘭提供一般民眾使用,在患有各種骨科問題的患者中,對青邊貽貝有益反應,促使對該類產品在治療膝關節病(膝關節炎)中的作用,進行更詳細的評估。這是一項持續超過四年的臨床評估,我並未使用對照組。

Clinical Experience with Perna Canaliculus
by Lloyd A. Hurley, MD
As an orthopedic surgeon I have utilized Perna canaliculus for over ten years in my practice as a means of offering my patients nutritional support for their degenerating osteoarthritic knee conditions. For many of my patients, inclusion of Perna, along with other modifications, has allowed them reasonable control of their arthritic condition without resorting to surgery (total kneereplacement) as a last resort.
In the search for an even more effective and safe anti-inflammatory agent, the benefits of New Zealand Green-Lipped Mussel (Perna canaliculus) seemed promising. Reports in foreign medical and American veterinary literature indicated that the lyophilized powder from the edible portion of this shellfish had remarkable anti-inflammatory as well as chondroprotective and gastroprotective properties.An antihistamine property was also reported. John Croft's book hinted that unexplored remedies for human suffering would be found in the sea.This claim was particularly intriguing and encouraging.The remarkable anti-inflammatory properties of the green-lipped mussel were first described by Cullen, Flint and Leider and the first Perna mussel product was distributed for general public use in New Zealand in 1974.
Beneficial response to Perna in my patients suffering from a wide range of orthopedic problems prompted a more detailed evaluation of the effect of this product in the management of gonarthrosis (arthritis of the knee). This was a limited clinical evaluation that lasted over a four year period and did not employ the use of a control group.


紐西蘭特有種青邊貽貝,提取出的成分中以 GAG 醣胺聚醣最為矚目,因為一般的葡萄糖胺(Glucosamine)經過食用後大約6~8週才能轉換成 GAG,成為關節可用的營養,但是青邊貽貝提取物穩定存在豐富的 GAG可直接被關節使用,當然青邊貽貝提取物中含有與人體相似的天然礦物質與其他成分也有助於關節炎的整體改善。

圖片來源 My Swiss Life

青邊貽貝在生長曲線的高峰期(大約18個月)收成,以急速冷凍乾燥的方式加工成細粉,這種方式不會破壞營養與活性,因此完整保存蛋白質、複合碳水化合物、脂質、天然礦物質、氨基酸和粘多醣(GAG 醣胺聚醣),為身體尤其是關節提供營養。符合潔淨海域、保存完整營養的青邊貽貝提取物,就會有「ORIGINAL PERNA EXTRAKT」的驗證標章。
圖片來源 My Swiss Life