GAG 研究:TOWNSEND LETTER 美國醫學期刊 (3) 關節炎探討

接下來醫學期刊這一頁主要探討關節炎的問題,進一步了解關節炎發生的原因,以便後續探討 GAG 是否符合需求。


Arthritic and Musculoskeletal Disorders
Joint and connective tissue problems associated with many forms of arthritis rank as the number one disability disease in the United States. Over 40 million people have severe health problems due to many different forms of arthritis, the major forms being osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Other forms include gout, ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and infectious arthritis. Factors that contribute to arthritis include: wear and tear on joints (excessive stress); injuries; infections; genetic factors; drug side effects; nutritional deficiencies; hormonal factors; age-related changes; altered immune system; biomechanical factors; excessive weight.
Arthritis is generally an inflammatory disease characterized by swelling, stiffness and/or pain in the joints. All joints of the body can be affected. Chronic forms of the disease may be associated with deformity and restricted range of motion. The exact cause and progression of many forms of arthritis are not well understood. 


Osteoarthritis: Over 30 million Americans have this form of arthritis, which may be accompanied by inflammation. This degenerative joint disease is related to a wear and tear phenomenon. Over time, the smooth surface of cartilage that covers the ends of the joint bones can become rough. This process can lead to a gradual breakdown of the connective tissue surrounding the joint. Injury to a joint can also create a progressive deterioration of the cartilage. In either situation, friction in the joint can lead to inflammation and weakened tendons, ligaments and muscles that surround the joint, causing the development of small bony growths, calcium spurs and soft cysts in the joints.

骨關節炎的特徵在於關節疼痛,滑膜發炎和關節軟骨的消失!這是由於軟骨基質中蛋白多醣被分解所致。隨著退化的持續進展,滑膜炎和關節腫大發生導致關節運動的減少和破壞軟骨的破壞性酶(稱為溶酶體)的釋放。此外,自由基介質的釋放也是導致軟骨退化的主要原因。退化性關節炎的嚴重程度與關節和周圍關節軟骨內醣胺聚醣(GAG)含量的減少有關,「GAG 醣胺聚醣」是軟骨和結締組織的主要成分。由於骨關節炎這種疾病,GAG含量降低,軟骨生產會顯著減緩,甚至完全停止。

Osteoarthritis is characterized by joint pain, inflammation of the synovial membrane and loss of joint cartilage as a result of the increased breakdown of the proteoglycans in the cartilage matrix. As the disease progresses, synovitis and joint enlargement occur leading to a decrease in joint motion and the release of destructive enzymes, called lysosomes, which break down cartilage. Release of free-radical mediators also contributes to major cartilage degradation. The severity of the disease appears to correlate with the loss of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content within the joint and surrounding articular cartilage." Glycosamino- glycans are a major component of cartilage and connective tissue. Cartilage production can also slow down significantly and even stop entirely as a result of the disease. 


Rheumatoid Arthritis: This form of arthritis affects more than 3 million people. It is an example of an autoimmune disease where the body's immune system attacks its own joints. This form of arthritis is a systemic, inflammatory disease that attacks synovial membranes surrounding the lubricating fluid in the joint. The cartilage, along with the bone structure, is slowly destroyed leading to scar tissue formation. In the extreme form of the disease, the joint may actually fuse. This condition, which can affect any joint in the body, can lead to fatigue, weight loss, joint stiffness and debilitating pain. This form of arthritis can lead to major deformity and loss of motion over time.


Infectious Arthritis: There is good evidence that some forms of arthritis can be caused by parasites, viruses, fungi and bacteria. One such example of Infectious Arthritis would be Lyme Disease. Bacteria, which are transmitted by deer ticks, can invade the bloodstream and travel to the joints resulting in arthritis-like symptoms after 30 to 40 days. In many ways, Lyme Disease resembles rheumatoid arthritis. 


Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS): This arthritic disease affects the joints of the trunk, including the spine and the pelvis. As it develops, AS can lead to extreme low back pain that persists for many months. Over time, the spine gradually becomes stiffer. Other symptoms include the inability to expand the chest, severe pain and eye inflammation. 



Cartilage and Joint Metabolism 
Before discussing the role of Perna canaliculus in helping to improve arthritis, it may be useful to present a short description of articular cartilage, the major connective tissue capping the ends of bones around the joint. Cartilage provides smooth surfaces for unrestricted joint movement and acts as the principle shock absorber during times of stress on the joint. Cartilage is made up of 4 major components: collagen (protein); proteoglycans (complex of protein and glycosaminoglycans); water; and chondrocytes (cells). As with all components of the body, cartilage is continually broken down and rebuilt in response to the stress placed on the joint. Enzymes secreted by the chondrocytes work to degrade collagen, which is then rebuilt. Proper collagen turnover, including adequate synthesis, is key to proper joint health and function. 


Figure 1- Proteoglycan Structure
Oredit: Biochemiatry, 2nd Ed. C.K Mathewa and K.E. Van Holde 1998.
Reprinted by perminsion of Addison Wenley Educational Publicationa, Inc. Proteoglycan structure in bovine cartilage. (a) An electron micrograph of a proteoglycan aggregate, (b) A schematic drawing of the same structure. Keratan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate are covalently linked to extended core protein malecules, The core proteins are noncovalently attached to along hyaluronic acid molecule with the aid of a link protein.

在關節中發現的蛋白多醣,由蛋白質核心和幾種複合氨基糖組成,主要三種包含GAG醣胺聚醣(也存在於滑液中)、硫酸角質素和硫酸軟骨素。(參見圖1)。 GAG的主要功能是增加關節的潤滑,並通過將水分子結合到基質中來提供緩衝、減震的能力,對於關節功能正常運作極為重要。由軟骨細胞自行合成的GAG,需要穩定供應葡萄糖胺和其他微量元素,包括硫酸鹽基團的來源。 

The proteogyicans are made up of a protein core and several complex amino sugars known as glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Three principle GAGs found in joints are hyaluronic acid (also found in the synovial fluid), keratin sulfate and chondroitin sulfates (see Figure 1). The principle function of GAGs is to increase lubrication of the joint and provide shock-absorption via incorporation of water molecules into the matrix. Both are essential for proper joint function. GAGs, synthesized by the chondrocytes, require a steady supply of glucosamine and other building blocks including a source of sulfate groups. 



因此軟骨正常代謝的蛋白質結構控制炎症過程,可能是加強關節修復和再生的關鍵。 青邊貽貝提取物提供GAG、硫酸軟骨素和其他構建成份,並管理促炎細胞因子來減少發炎過程。這兩個方面都有助於減少軟骨損失和增加關節修復。

 減少發炎反應和疼痛
 強化軟骨細胞、增強軟骨合成
 減少酶和自由基降解引起的軟骨破壞
 調節免疫反應,以減少自身免疫反應和促炎細胞因子


Synthesis of GAGs is the limiting factor in cartilage generation. There are three factors that should be noted in maintaining proper joint function and reversing arthritic damage. First, adequate raw materials need to be supplied to the chondrocytes to rebuild cartilage. Second, there must be shift in chondrocyte activity from collagen degradation to a greater repair and rebuilding mode. At the same time, production of the proteolytic enzymes that cause cartilage degradation must be reduced and inflammation must be brought under control. It is now believed that protein structures known as cytokines, produced from various immune cells, control the inflammation process. Their regulation may be the key to enhancing joint repair and regeneration. Perna contributes chondroitin sulfates and other building blocks for GAG synthesis and decreases the inflammation process by down- regulating the pro-inflammatory cytokines. Both aspects help to decrease loss of cartilage and increase joint repair . An effective approach to reversing the destruction of arthritis should provide support by: 
Decreasing inflammatory response and pain
Enhancing cartilage synthesis by the chondrocytes 
Reducing the destruction of cartilage caused by degrading enzymes and free radicals 
Modulating the immune responses to reduce autoimmune response and pro-inflammatory cytokines
Natural components within the Perna mussel potentially support joint health in all of these areas as discussed below.


紐西蘭特有種青邊貽貝,提取出的成分中以 GAG 醣胺聚醣最為矚目,因為一般的葡萄糖胺(Glucosamine)經過食用後大約6~8週才能轉換成 GAG,成為關節可用的營養,但是青邊貽貝提取物穩定存在豐富的 GAG可直接被關節使用,當然青邊貽貝提取物中含有與人體相似的天然礦物質與其他成分也有助於關節炎的整體改善。

圖片來源 My Swiss Life

青邊貽貝在生長曲線的高峰期(大約18個月)收成,以急速冷凍乾燥的方式加工成細粉,這種方式不會破壞營養與活性,因此完整保存蛋白質、複合碳水化合物、脂質、天然礦物質、氨基酸和粘多醣(GAG 醣胺聚醣),為身體尤其是關節提供營養。符合潔淨海域、保存完整營養的青邊貽貝提取物,就會有「ORIGINAL PERNA EXTRAKT」的驗證標章。
圖片來源 My Swiss Life
